Sure, you could pay for each individual item, and maybe you only want one or two of the products we sell… YOU’RE ENTITLED to buy individual products. BUT, you’re also entitled to save money by buying all three products at once in this bundled offer!
That’s right! You’ll get the Bank of Entitlement Credit Card, Checking Account, and CD Account at a special discount!
For all the wonderful details on each individual product, please visit the individual product listings, and then come back here and add this to your cart! Enjoy your ENTITLED savings!
IMPORTANT: The Bank of Entitlement Credit Card is produced by a trusted vendor and sent to you directly from them. We will let you know when your credit card ships. This can take up to two weeks from your purchase date. If you order the Checking Account or CD products, those are usually shipped within 1-2 business days directly from us. We appreciate your patience in receiving your credit card, but to make sure it’s perfect, we needed outside assistance. When ordering the special bundle offer, your checks and CD will be shipped within 1-2 business days and your credit card will be shipped separately.
DURING THE PRE-LAUNCH PHASE which we are in as long as you can see this sentence, please allow longer processing time for your credit card to arrive. This won’t impact shipping time for checks and CDs.